Registered Charity Number: 1013289
28 November, 2013
In June 2013 OSPREY placed an order for 2 replacement densitometers for the Centre for Metabolic Bone Disease. This ensures the patients of this area continue to have access to state-of-the-art equipment for the diagnosis of osteoporosis. The new equipment will also help support the University research activity being funded by OSPREY.
It was very sad to hear of the death of one of our students, Tom Chester, following a climbing accident in January 2013. OSPREY are ensuring that his work can be completed through appointment of another student. Also, two of Tom’s friends undertook the Ironman challenge in his memory and are donating half of the proceeds of their sponsorship to OSPREY.
An event was held at the University of Hull in December 2012 for all the volunteers from the general public who had participated in the OSPREY funded research studies. They were provided with feedback on the progress with the studies and, as it was near Christmas, one or two mince pies during the coffee break were consumed. The event was an outstanding success.
See our University Research page for a report from the University team on the current OSPREY funded projects. Other projects have been identified by the research team at the University which may be considered by both OSPREY and the Centre for Metabolic Bone Disease.
Dr S A Steel
Consultant Physicist
Joint President of OSPREY